I had one of those moments last week. I saw something that I have been thinking about ALL week.

Is there visual art out there that the viewer reacts to by moving their body in a certain way (besides putting there finger to their temple in puzzlement) ?

I went to see #iamORANGE onsite last week. Is has been up for 5 weeks now and I wanted to see how it was doing. I checked her out and went to look at the other art. I looked back and saw a woman asking her son to take a picture of her in front of the piece. And then she struck a pose and put her arms up - the same way I do when I take my picture in front of the piece.

The size of the work was defined by Instagram: it is a square and the composition is based on the human head being in center approximately. That is why the pieces are 10 feet square. The pieces are meant to be shared on social media and the title is a hint to that.

I am committed to learning about white privledge and how pervasive it is in our culture. This woman was black. And she struck the same pose I did. And it is a pose of gloriousness and pride and beauty. Maybe we aren’t so different. Maybe we all want to be seen in our glory, full of pride and beauty.

Is there other art out there that we move certain ways when we look at it? Was that intended by the artist? Is the idea of an artist being aware of the viewer and their movements a reflection of our relationships? our responsibility to each other?