entry 2: LAND+MARKS

made it to the end of the month.

every day, work at least an hour.

Reflect on this past week: Listened to Cornell West panel. He is running for President. There was no conversation about his candidacy. There ended up being a debate about whether to invite Native Americans to the table in the conservation about gaining land as a means to become liberated. The elder had said it was important to include them in the conversation. This elder is Black Panther member and has been doing black liberation work since… the sixties possibly. There was a 40 year old man, very active in a western state in empowering youth, specifically boys by connecting hunting, fishing and other outdoor sports.

The 40 year old, countered the argument and said take care of our own first.

West said, we cannot define who our own are. We have to come at it with love.

Friday… conversation with local artist (KB) . Asked her to visit the current piece, and I found the courage to say what I really want to do. I really want to do a portrait of Sean Harris at Riverhook. KB said it would be more powerful to use the name. That when one passes, the connection to the living is in their name. That the name holds power.

Was left this weekend wondering if I need to go directly to the names. Why is the portrait important? Why is marking the land with the portriat more important that the name. Is what I am doing to start a conversation with white people, specifically white women about racism? I feel like the portrait returning to the Earth is powerful. The name is spoken, the image integrated. How to bring the name forth?

ACOR mentor program. We had to bring in an artifact of ourselves to give insight into who we are. I brought two things. One a photo of a reflection of a photo of my grandmother in plexiglass block, and the other a postcard of the African American Museum in DC with the signatures of my friends that went with me. To share the postcard meant I was showing up to the group with my identity now as a white person working on anti-racism (or even clearer: straight up racism- getting clarity on it).

I showed the postcard. This is the first time I am showing up with that identity. Have to show up as an anti-racist now. I am accountable to the work.