love letter to GRAVITY

My dearest Gravity,

Gravity, I love you. I always knew you were there. You have been patiently present my whole life. I see you now. You make everything possible. You are the spirit of Divine Mother’s Love. You are the sign that I am loved in every breath I take while I walk on this Earth.

Gravity, thank you. I started a new mediation a few months ago, and I understood something this week.

Every morning I have been getting up and connecting with light above - the source of divine Father’s Love. Then I connect with my body. Next I connect to the energy down below - the source of divine Mother’s Love.

Connecting with divine Father’s Love comes easy for me. The energy above is where i was taught God lives. Heaven is above. The sun - the source of energy for all living things is above.

I have been struggling to connect with the energy beneath me. This week I remembered that I was taught that Hell is below. I don’t want to go to Hell. Hell is all fire and brimstones and souls flowing in a river of molten lava. I know my soul doesn’t want to go there for eternity.

This mediation opened something up in me. If divine Mother’s Love is at the center of our planet, maybe what I was taught is wrong. Maybe by fearing the Hell below I was cutting myself off from a powerful energy. Maybe the source of greatest love is actually what I have been taught to fear.

Gravity, thank you. I know from the depth of my being that you are proof of the powerful energy of divine Mother Love. It is with you that trees grow, they reach from the Earth to the sky. It is with you that even as water transforms to a vapor, it will hang in the sky as a cloud. It is with you that the earth is below my feet. It is with you that every step I take, I come back. I always come back.

Gravity, thank you. You are the newest element to my art. Having left the confines of a room, the art hangs outside, with trees as walls, clouds as ceiling, and earth as the floor. I see it. But now I really see. I see that my work HANGS. It hangs from above and caresses the Earth because of you. It will always come back to you. You are the love that makes the magic of my art. You are the proof of divine Mother’s love.

Gravity, I love you. May I continue to make in your awareness.

From the depth of my soul, I love you, Kris