OUR WORLD, OTHER WORLD. is a series of photographs of scrys. Each photograph is 12 inches x 12 inches. They can be purchased in a black or white frame.

Scrys are reflective surfaces used for connecting with the divine. Within the reflective surface the real world becomes reflected. This image is made purely of light. Light is energy. To take photo of this moment is to capture the energy in another form, and then display it on back again on paper.

The images are made by taking photos on glass that has been painted with a solid color. By taking a photo off of this surface, the reflections change color. By keeping the image square, the images can used for decoration in homes - bringing the outside in.

Photos of reflections for a show: vision of the future:

Photos of scry incorporating water, a flower, and the reflections in water:

Photos of reflections on colored glass of nature.